CANNABIS FOR SALE ONLINE: The World’s Most Popular  Psychoactive Plant

Cannabis is ubiquitous these days. You can find hemp-derived CBD products featured on just about every online blog or media outlet in the world, and marijuana is making a strong comeback from prohibition. Buying Cannabis Online

In this article, we’ll cover how hemp and marijuana work in terms of both the psychoactive and non-psychoactive effects. We’ll also cover how to use mariju.


Cannabis is a species of plant originating from Asia. It has a long history of use with humans for the purposes of divination, medicine, and the production of textiles.

The cannabis plant is dioecious — which means it has separate male and female plants (rather than growing both the male and female flowers on the same plant). The flowers from the female plants are the primary product people use for both medicine and recreational use.


The male version of this species is rarely used for much of anything aside from breeding. The resin of the female cannabis flowers contains a high concentration of pharmacologically-active compounds. There are over 400 active ingredients in cannabis resin, each contributing something different to the overall effects. Buying Cannabis Online USA

The primary active ingredients are a group of compounds called phytocannabinoids.Other active ingredients include over a dozen  terpenes, sterols, esters, and fatty acids. Cannabis products can be smoked, vaped, or concentrated into extracts and oils.

There are just two primary divisions of cannabis products:
  1. Hemp products — non-psychoactive and usually focused around a cannabinoid called CBD (cannabidiol)
  2. Marijuana products — usually psychoactive and focused around a cannabinoid called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)


Cannabis has an impressive range of health benefits.

It achieves these broad-acting benefits by targeting a core neuro-regulatory system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) — which is involved with maintaining homeostasis (AKA balance) of various organ systems in the body.

The ECS is involved in the regulation of the immune system, cardiovascular function, inflammatory response, neurological function, pain transmission, circadian rhythm, hunger, digestive function, and much more. It’s through this system that cannabis is able to offer most of its benefits. Buying Cannabis Online Bermuda


Alleviates Pain
Reduces Inflammation
Prevents Acne
Protects the Brain
Regulates Mood
Alleviates Epilepsy
Relieves Anxiety
Stimulates Appetite
Inhibits Appetite
Fights Cancer
Alleviates Glaucoma Symptoms
Supports Sleep


There are several active ingredients in the cannabis plant that help relieve symptoms of anxiety. CBD, CBC, CBG, CBN, and low doses of THC have all been reported to reduce anxiety symptoms and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Most of the research on the anxiolytic effects of cannabis involves the use of CBD. Buying Cannabis Online Cayman Island

CBD Offers Several Distinct Benefits On Anxiety:
  • Increases activity of GABA to calm the mind
  • Regulates serotonin & dopamine levels
  • Promotes a more restful & restorative sleep
  • Reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone)
  • Reduces neuroinflammation
  • Protects the body from oxidative damage


A Brazilian study compared the effects of CBD with benzodiazepines (pharmaceutical intervention for anxiety), ipsapirone (a serotonin-based anxiolytic), and placebo [6]. Forty patients were randomly assigned into groups of 10 and given one of the four treatments.

Subjects were then asked to perform a simulated public speaking task to compare the effects of each substance on anxiety levels. The study noted significantly lower anxiety scores in the groups administered CBD or ipsapirone compared to the benzodiazepine and placebo-control groups.


Get quality cannabis online right here with us and enjoy its great health benefits. One of the primary mechanisms of action for the potent anxiolytic effects of CBD is through its effects.

The GABA receptors in the brain  is the body’s primary neuro inhibitory compound — which means it reduces neurological excitability to reduce electrical activity in the brain. It directly opposes the effects of glutamate, which is largely responsible for the excessive electrical activity involved with anxiety. Buying Cannabis Online United State

Other studies have shown that CBD increases activity at the 5HT1A serotonin receptors [2]. Low activity at this serotonin receptor has been associated with panic and anxiety attacks [3].

CBD has also been shown to exert a mildly stimulating effect on dopamine [4]. Mice with low dopamine levels are frequently used as a model for studying the effects of generalized anxiety symptoms [5]. It’s thought that increasing dopamine activity can reduce feelings of anxiety.

CBD has also been shown to reduce cortisol levels [7] and promote a longer, more restorative sleep [8] — both of which have a direct impact on perceived stress and anxiety levels. Buying Cannabis Online Canada


There are several analgesic compounds produced in hemp, but none as well studied as CBD.

The Effects of CBD For Pain Include:

  • Regulates the vanilloid pain receptors
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Regulates nerve cell function (supports causes of nerve pain)
  • Alleviates common side-effects & comorbidities of pain (such as depression or insomnia)

One of the key ways CBD (and other cannabinoids) are thought to reduce pain is by alleviating inflammation (more on this in the next section).

It’s also been shown to block pain by acting on a series of receptors located in the spinal cord and brain called the vanilloid receptors. The vanilloid receptors are partly responsible for regulating the transmission of pain signals from the body to the brain. Buying Cannabis Online Green Land


Buy quality cannabis online right here with us and enjoy its great health benefits. By activating these receptors, CBD is able to reduce the strength of the pain signal before it reaches the brain, where it’s interpreted as pain. Buying Cannabis Online British Virgin Island

A review of several clinical trials involving a pharmaceutical preparation of CBD and THC (Sativex®) report consistent and mark improvement in pain scores and sleep onset among the treatment group [11]. This review involved more than 2000 patients and 1000 patient-years of exposure to these cannabinoids. Buying Cannabis Online Sint Maarten

The analgesic effects of CBD are very diverse. It’s been shown to reduce pain for a wide range of different types of pain — including cancer [12], fibromyalgia [13], multiple sclerosis [14], arthritis [15], and more.


Many of the active cannabinoids and terpenes in the cannabis plant (both hemp and marijuana) offer powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. This plant offers some of the most robust anti-inflammatory effect profiles in the plant kingdom. Buying Cannabis Online Puerto Rico

Few natural products can compete with cannabis in the anti-inflammatory department because it works on several distinct pathways for pain and inflammation — rather than just one like most pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories.

The Effects of Cannabis on Inflammation Include:
  • CBD slows the breakdown of anandamide (a natural anti-inflammatory)
  • Many cannabinoids are structurally similar to natural anti-inflammatory messengers
  • CBD activates the vanilloid receptors, which play a role in the regulation of inflammatory messengers (TNF-a, IL-4, IL-12)
  • CBD slows the activation of T cells involved with autoimmune inflammation
  • CBD triggers apoptosis (programmed cell death) in dysfunctional or infected cells (a common cause of chronic pain)
  • CBD inhibits key inflammatory enzymes (including LOX and COX)


Get quality cannabis oil online right here with us and enjoy its great health benefits. CBD is one of the most well-studied and powerful anti-inflammatories in the natural kingdom. It’s been shown to provide consistent relief from inflammatory states involved with autoimmunity [16], cancer [17], rheumatoid arthritis [18], and more.

Inflammatory mediators inhibited or regulated by cannabinoids include:
  1. LOX — one of the key rate-limiting inflammatory enzymes (CBD) [9]
  2. COX — the second key rate-limiting inflammatory enzyme [17]
  3. Histamine — involved in the inflammatory response initiated by exposure to allergens (THC) [19]
  4. IFN-γ — involved in long-term sustaining inflammatory disorders (CBD) [20]
  5. NF-kB — one of the key inflammatory messengers involved with cancer and autoimmunity (CBD) [21]
  6. TNF-α — involved with whole-body inflammation (CBD) [22]
  7. IL-2 — commonly involved with cancer and autoimmune-related inflammation (THC & CBN) [23]
  8. IL-4 — involved with autoimmune-related inflammation (CBD) [22]
  9. IL-6 — involved with the initial cascade of inflammation (CBD) [22]
  10. IL-8 — activated during infection to produce fast-onset inflammation (CBD) [24]
  11. IL-12 — intimately involved with autoimmune-related inflammation (CBD) [25]
  12. IL-13 — has both anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory actions (THC & CBN) [23]


Several active cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, as well as a variety of terpenes, offer sleep-supportive benefits.

The primary sleep-supportive cannabinoids in the plant include:

  • CBD — sedative in higher doses but stimulating in lower doses
  • THC — sedative in lower doses but stimulating in higher doses
  • CBN — sedative at all doses
  • CBC — mildly sedative at all doses


Studies have shown CBD can be useful for improving the quality of deep sleep, as well as total sleep duration [26]. It also helps through its ability to alleviate many of the common underlying causes of insomnia — such as chronic pain and anxiety.

THC has also been well-studied for its effects on sleep. Only lower doses of THC are considered sedative (5–20 mg). Higher doses have the opposite effect and reduce sleep quality [27].


Nobody has ever overdosed from using marijuana — but this doesn’t mean it’s completely safe.

Just about anything is safe to use in moderation — this includes cannabis. While you’re not going to overdose on marijuana, there is such a thing as too much weed.


Marijuana comes with a few side effects to be aware of as well. Some of these side effects are also the benefits of the plant. They’re only considered a side effect if it was an effect you didn’t want from using the substance. This includes the psychoactive effects, sedative effects, and stimulating effects.

The side-effects of marijuana may include:
  • Altered perception of time
  • Altered visual & auditory perception
  • Impairments in judgment
  • Increased (or decreased) anxiety
  • Red eyes
  • Rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
  • Increased hunger levels (munchies)
  • Sedation or stimulation
  • Cough or throat irritation
  • Memory loss
  • Slower reaction time


Just about anything can be addictive — substances like marijuana that directly alter our mood and mind state are especially susceptible.

Compared to other psychoactive substances, marijuana has a very low risk of forming addiction — but it’s not impossible. Most people who are addicted to marijuana or suffer from “cannabis abuse disorder” are addicted to the effects of the substance rather than being physically addicted to the plant itself.

It’s unlikely to feel withdrawal symptoms when not using marijuana, but many people rely on the plant as an escape from their pain, discomfort, or depression. This is the most common reason someone forms an addiction to any substance — they’re seeking an escape from a reality they feel is too painful or unbearable in some way.


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Whether this is because of depression, anxiety, chronic pain, or something else. Marijuana helps with all of these symptoms, so it makes sense that someone would continue to seek out the effects of this plant to remove these barriers that interfere with their ability to enjoy life and feel happy.

In moderation, this is totally fine, and very few people will feel addicted to the plant. But constant, long-term use can have a negative impact on your health and quality of life. This may include:

  • Heart palpitations or heart disease
  • Smokers cough or lung disease
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of libido
  • Inattentiveness to other roles or responsibilities
  • Social isolation

Addiction happens when someone continues to use the plant compulsively, even when the substance has a clear detrimental impact on their health or quality of life.

If you’re using marijuana constantly from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, and you’re unsatisfied with the way you feel if you’re not high — you may be addicted to marijuana.


The legal status of marijuana is complicated. To make matters even more confusing, it’s changing on nearly a monthly basis at this point.

The general consensus around the world is that marijuana is illegal — often included in the highest tier of drugs that bring the most severe penalties.

But times are changing.

In the United States, there are currently nine states that have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes and dozens more that allow the plant to be used with medical approval. However, federally, the plant is still listed as a Schedule I drug alongside LSD, heroin, and cocaine.

Currently, the only two countries that have completely legalized marijuana on a federal level are Uruguay and Canada.


Most other countries still list marijuana as an illegal substance but have become much more relaxed on enforcing these laws.

It’s very likely that marijuana will be legal throughout most of the world within the next couple of years.

The hemp form of the plant is already legal in most places. In North America, any Cannabis sativa plant that produces 0.3% THC or less by dried weight is classified as hemp and considered a food supplement rather than a drug.

Europe has similar laws but has a slightly lower threshold of THC at 0.2% instead.


Some of the most common questions we get asked about marijuana and hemp. Email us at: for more information.

1. Will CBD Oil Make Me Fail a Drug Test?

CBD is completely non-psychoactive and legal throughout most of the world. But it’s still an extract from the cannabis plant.

This has many people wondering whether CBD products, like CBD oils, capsules, or gummies, place them at risk of failing a drug test.

The only way to guarantee you’re not going to fail a drug test is to use products that contain no traceable THC. Products made purely from hemp that use a CBD isolate, or broad-spectrum THC-free base are very unlikely to register anything at all on a drug test.

These tests only look for THC, not CBD or other cannabinoids.

Full-spectrum hemp products contain only trace amounts of THC and are unlikely to result in a positive result for THC on a drug test — but it’s not impossible. Some people have tested positive after using only full-spectrum CBD oils.

2. Can Delta 8 THC or THC Extracts Make Me Fail A Drug Test?

The short answer here is yes — but it depends on the type of test.

Reagent drug tests and immunoassays are likely to indicate the presence of THC after using either of these extracts. Delta 8 THC may even appear on a drug test using high-tech equipment like mass spectrometry or gas chromatography because of how similar these two compounds are. They have identical molecular weights, which makes it difficult to tell the difference by machines that use molecular weights to differentiate different compounds.

THCV is less likely to trigger a fail on a drug test — but it’s still completely possible.

If you’ve got an upcoming drug test, you should abstain from all forms of cannabis extract aside from CBD isolates, CBG isolates, or CBC isolates — or else risk failing the test.

3. Can I Overdose on Marijuana?

There has never been a report overdose of marijuana — but it is possible to take too much.

The best way to measure the toxicity of a compound is to look at the LD50. This stands for the “lethal dose for 50% of the population”. It’s a metric discovered by giving a group of mice increasingly high doses of a substance until 50% of them die from an overdose.

For marijuana, the LD50 is so high; it’s impossible to reach through normal means of consumption.

In rats, the LD50 is report to be around 40 mg/kg and 130mg/kg in dogs and monkeys [29]. That works out to around 8.45 kg of THC in the average human (65 kg) — which is way more than is ever achievable through inhalation or ingestion.

The only way to realistically overdose on marijuana is through intravenous injection.

4. How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System?

Cannabis can remain detectable in the body up to 30 days after you use it. Some compounds, including THC, can remain detectable in hair for up to 90 days.

The amount of time cannabinoids remain in the body depends on what dose you take, how often you use it, your age (old and how fast your metabolism is.

Cannabinoids are fat-soluble, which allows them to build up in the body over time by storing them in the fat cells. If you use marijuana products regularly, it can take a lot longer to remove these compounds from the body than if you only use them once in a while.

One-off use of marijuana may be completely clear from the body in as little as three days. Consistent, long-term use may remain in the body for 2 to 4 weeks.

Final Thoughts: The Future of Cannabis?

Cannabis is a useful plant medicine. It’s used as a treatment for anxiety, depression, inflammation, pain, and a variety of other health conditions. Marijuana and its chief ingredient — THC — is use as a tool for self-discovery and mind-expansion due to the psychoactive effects.

There are two types of cannabis from a regulatory standpoint — hemp plants (non-psychoactive) and marijuana plants (psychoactive).

Hemp is consider legal in most parts of the world and has become an extremely popular supplement over the last several years.

Marijuana is illegal in most countries (with the exception of Canada and about a dozen US states). Most experts believe marijuana will become legal in the next couple of years as the evidence supporting its safety and various health benefits becomes harder to disagree with.

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