Firstly, Psilocybe tampanensis is a very rare psychedelic mushroom in the Strophariaceae family. Originally collect in the wild in a sandy meadow near Tampa, Florida in 1977, the fungus have never again been report in Florida, but are later collect in Mississippi. The original Florida specimen are clone, and descendants remain in wide circulation. Psilocybe Tampanensis For Sale
Secondly, the fruit bodies (mushrooms) produce by the fungus are yellowish-brown in color with convex to conic caps up to 2.4 cm (0.9 in) in diameter atop a thin stem up to 6 cm (2.4 in) long. Psilocybe tampanensis forms psychoactive truffle-like sclerotia that are known and sold under the nickname “philosopher’s stones”. The fruit bodies and sclerotia are consume by some for recreational or entheogenic purposes. In nature, sclerotia are produce by the fungus as a form of protection from wildfires and other natural disasters.
Psychoactive; Buy Psilocybe Tampanensis Online
Therefore, Psilocybe Tampanensis is available for purchase on the internet. Still Steven Pollock collecte Psilocybe tampanensis in the wild in 1977, and all Psilocybe tampanensis spores come from this single specimen. A few years later, mycologist Paul Stamets devise a method for cultivating sclerotia, which become known as the “Philosopher’s stones.” Psilocybe Tampanensis For Sale
Psilocybe Tampanensis Vs Dmt
With a slightly tart and nutty flavor, it’s unlike any other psychedelic mushroom. Other psychedelic mushrooms have similar effects to this one. Psilocybin, a tryptamine comparable to the human neurotransmitter DMT, is the active ingredient in sclerotia (dimethyltryptamine). DMT is a powerful visionary psychedelic that may be find in abundance in nature (trees, grasses, etc.) and is quickly broken down by the body’s MAO enzymes, leaving no hazardous byproducts.
Buy Psilocybe Tampanensis Online; Taxonomy
The species was describe scientifically by Steven H. Pollock and Mexican mycologist and Psilocybe authority Gastón Guzmán in a 1978 Mycotaxon publication. According to Paul Stamets, Pollock skip a “boring taxonomic conference” near Tampa, Florida to go mushroom hunting, and found a single specimen growing in a sand dune, which he did not recognize. Psilocybe Tampanensis For Sale
Pollock later clone the specimen and produce a pure culture, which remains widely distribute today. The type specimen is kept at the herbarium of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico. Guzmán classify P. tampanensis in his section Mexicanae, a grouping of relate Psilocybe species characterize primarily by having spores with lengths greater than 8 micrometers.
Description 1
The cap ranges in shape from convex or conic with a slight umbo, expanding in age to become flatten or with a slight central depression. It reaches diameters of 1–2.4 cm (0.4–0.9 in). The surface is smooth, not striate (groove), ochraceous brown to straw brown. Buff to yellowish-grey when dry, with slight bluish tones at the margin, hygrophanous, and somewhat sticky when wet.
The gills are more or less adnate (broadly attach to the stem slightly above the bottom of the gill. With most of the gill fuse to the stem) and brown to dark purple brown in color with lighter edges. The stem is 2–6 cm (0.8–2.4 in) long, 1–2 mm (0.04–0.08 in) thick, and equal in width throughout to slightly enlarge near the base. There are fibrils near the top of the stem. The partial veil is cortinate (cobweb-like, similar to the partial veil of Cortinarius species), and soon disappears. The flesh is whitish to yellowish, and bruises blue when injure. The taste and odor are slightly farinaceous (similar to freshly ground flour).
Description 2
The spore print is purple-brown. When viewe with a microscope, the spores of P. tampanensis are somewhat rhombic in face view and roughly elliptical in side view; they have dimensions of 8.8–9.9 by 8–8.8 by 5.5–6.6 μm. Spores appear brownish-yellow when mount in a solution of potassium hydroxide, and have a thick, smooth wall, a distinct germ pore, and a short appendage. The basidia (spore-bearing cells) are four-spore, hyaline (translucent), and measure 14–22 by 8–10 µm. The cheilocystidia (cystidia on the gill face) measure 16–22 by 4–9 µm, and are lageniform (flask-shaped) with flexous thin necks that are 2.2–3 µm thick, and infrequently have irregular branches. There are no pleurocystidia (cystidia on the gill face). Clamp connections are present in the hyphae.
Similar species
Guzmán considers Psilocybe tampanensis to be intermediate in form between P. mexicana and P. caerulescens. Psilocybe mexicana have a more Mycena-like fruit body shape, and longer basidia measuring 22–24 by 7.7–11 μm. It is know only from Mexico and Guatemala. Psilocybe caerulescens, find in the USA and Venezuela, is also somewhat similar, but have a collybioid habit (small to medium-size mushrooms with a convex cap), with spores measuring 6.7–8 by 5.2–6.5 by 3.3–5.2 μm, and cheilocystidia that are 15–22 by 4.4–5.5 μm.
Habitat and distribution
For almost two decades after its discovery, Psilocybe tampanensis was known only from the type locality, southeast of Brandon, Florida. In 1996, Guzmán report finding it in a meadow with sandy soil in a deciduous forest in Pearl River County, Mississippi, a habitat similar to that of the type location. Due to its scarcity, however, its habitat preferences are not knows with certainty. Like all Psilocybe species, it is saprobic.
Like some other psychoactive grassland species such as Psilocybe semilanceata, Conocybe cyanopus, P. tampanensis can form sclerotia–a harden mass of mycelia that is more resistant to adverse environmental conditions than normal mycelia. This truffle-like form gives the fungus some protection from wildfires and other natural disasters. Other Psilocybe species known to produce sclerotia include Psilocybe mexicana and Psilocybe caerulescens. Sclerotia are also produce when the species is grown in culture.
Recreational use
Psilocybe tampanensis contains the psychedelic compounds psilocin and psilocybin, and is consume for recreational and entheogenic purposes. The species are found to be one of the most popular psychoactive mushrooms confiscate by German authorities in a 2000 report, behind Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata, and Panaeolus cyanescens. The alkaloid content in the confiscate samples range from not detectable to 0.19% psilocybin, and 0.01 to 0.03% psilocin. According to mycologist Michael Beug, dry fruit bodies can contain up to 1% psilocybin and psilocin; in terms of psychoactive potency, Stamets considers the mushroom “moderately to highly active”.
Trip Sitter
Likewise, the psychoactive compounds are also present in the sclerotia: in one analysis. The levels of psilocybin obtain from sclerotia range from 0.31% to 0.68% by dry weight. Are dependent upon the composition of the growth medium. Sclerotia are sold under the nickname “philosopher’s stones”. They have been describe as “resembling congeal muesli“. And having a somewhat bitter taste similar to walnut. Strains existing as commercial cultivation kits sold originally in countercultural drug magazines are derive from the original fruit body found by Pollock in Florida. For instance methods are originally develope by Pollock, and later extend by Stamets in the 1980s to cultivate the sclerotia on a substrate of rye grass (Lolium), and on straw. Sclerotia prepare in this way take from 3 to 12 weeks to develop. Pollock was grant a US patent in 1981 for his method of producing sclerotia.
Legal status
Not-only-but also, Psilocin and psilocybin are schedule drugs in many countries, and mushrooms containing them are prohibite by extension. In addition the United States. Federal law was pass in 1971 that put the psychoactive components into the most restrict schedule I category. For about three decades following this, several European countries remain relatively tolerant of mushroom use and possession.
Further, in the 2000s (decade), in response to increases in prevalence and availability. All European countries ban possession or sale of psychedelic mushrooms. The Netherlands was the last country to enact such laws in 2008.
Finally, however, they did not include psilocybin-containing sclerotia in the 2008 law. Thus, psilocybin-containing fungal compounds are available commercially in the Netherlands. In parallel legal developments in Asia, P. tampanensis was one of 13 psychoactive mushrooms specifically prohibite by law in Japan in 2002.